Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Conference of Parties 15, Day 2

The big news on day 2 of COP was the Guardian "leak" of the Danish text. Apparently Denmark had drafted a compromise text or the "Copenhagen Agreement." Before COP started we were aware that the text existed and were under the impression that it would be presented at the opening plenary. It was not formally presented on Monday; however, it was "leaked" to the media throwing Copenhagen into temporary chaos.

Please take the time to read the Danish text itself. The proposal outlines measures not too far from the principles established in the Bali Action Plan at COP 13. Developing countries are outraged that the text explicitly imposes a limit on their future emissions. On paper this looks really bad and unfair, but one must remember that this was only a draft that was not ready for release. It would certainly have been politically beneficially to explain that the target took into mind the availability of more advanced technology and principles of sustainable development. Though the Guardian's article may have made some exaggerations, which certainly caused some drama over here, the article wasn't totally off base. The text is weak and should consider more ambitious reductions goals. Most of the drama over the text has subsided...or has been replaced by new tension.

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