Sunday, December 13, 2009

Conference of Parties 15, Day 6

On Saturday, both the COP and the CMP resumed their sessions. The COP plenary began with an introduction from COP15 President Connie Hedegaard. Tuvalu interjected before she finished her statement, asking if the forum could return to its agenda issue from a few days ago. The party delegate from Tuvalu gave an impassioned speech about the imperative to adopt a legally binding treaty as soon as possible. The delegate from Tuvalu was nearly moved to tears at one point, “The fate of my country rests in your hands.” Tuvalu received sustained applause. The speech was incredibly moving and definitely the highlight of the day.

The plenary continued with a statement by AWG-LCA chair John Ashe. The previous day he submitted a 5-page draft text which simplified the former version of 181 pages. The general consensus from both countries and NGOs was that the text was positive progress but that it was incomplete.

The afternoon CMP session began with AWG-KP chair Michael Zammit Cutajar. He too had submitted a draft text the previous day. The 27-page text was also viewed as a step in the right direction; however, parties had more concerns over the provisions of the KP text than the LCA one.

Little was resolved in the first week of negotiations. Next week high-level meetings commence upon the arrival of Ministers and Heads of State. The negotiations will have to accelerate if the text is going to be finalized by the end of the week, which we sincerely hope will happen.

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