Friday, December 11, 2009

Conference of Parties 15, Day 4

Tuvalu wanted to propose further amendments to the Kyoto Protocol separate from Article 3.9 on the consideration of future commitment periods. Tuvalu wants to establish a second contact group on Article 20 to explore the amendment and the logistics of a legally binding treaty, instead of discussing it in AWG-KP. China and others do not want another contact group and want to move on. The agenda item was suspended to resolve the issue in regional meetings and the CMP was adjourned.
In response to the leak of the Danish text earlier this week, several other country coalitions have developed texts of a "Copenhagen Agreement":
- BASIC text (Brazil, South Africa, Sudan, India, China) – Weak. Defensive response to the Danish text. Leaked to Le Monde
- African Group text (we've been told it exists but do not know the status)
- Danish text new version to be released on Saturday (we hear)
- AOSIS paper finished Wednesday night (we hear)
With negotiations stalled it seems as though very little will be settled before Minsters and Heads of State arrive next week. Heads of State were only supposed to attend COP on Friday; however, given the circumstances they are expected to attend Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of next week.

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